Friday, April 5, 2024

From frustration

"From frustration first inclination is to become a monk and leave the situation." - Young M.C.

So, can someone explain women to me?

I had my first date in five years a a few weeks ago. Woman that I've known for a while, found out on her birthday that she had been attracted to me for a bit longer than I had been to her. We had a pretty good date, or so I thought.

Fast forward a couple of days and communication from her seemed to have declined. I asked if I had done anything wrong (I'm an overthinker). and was assured that I had not, just that she was "not interested".

So I am confused. How does a person go from being very attracted to another person to "not interested" in the span of a couple of days.Why does it seem, and why is she acting as if I did in fact do something wrong? If I did do something wrong, what the hell was it?

I am past the point of wanting to fix it, which is my go to. But damn it I want to know what the hell I did, or what the frak happened.

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