Saturday, June 29, 2024

Not against the In-Law

My son got married the other day. It reminded me again of how much I miss my dad, and how much he has missed. He didn't get to see his grandchild graduate, he didn't get to see his wedding.

And before you go into the "Well he was looking down from heaven". To that statement I call Bullshit. Heaven is supposed to be paridise. "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" - Rev 21:4. Do you really think someone in heaven could be looking down at all the death, sorrow, tears, and pain we go through on a daily basis? For those who subscribe to the idea of Heaven, I submit to you that those who went before us do not watch over us or look down on us from above, that would defeat the purpose of paradise. Every father wants his child to do better than him, and in that regard, I am a successful father. My son has made more intelligent choices with his life than I ever did at his age. He makes more money than me, he made a better choice in life partner than me. At the end of the day, my son is by an large more successful than I am today, and leaps and bounds ahead of where I was at his age. At the end of it all, I am proud of my son, and I miss my dad.